Schrodinger’s Meme — Why Dank “Anti-fundamentals” Are Eating Tradfi’s Lunch

6 min readMay 11, 2021


Some people think that explaining a good meme ruins it or defuses it, but fooo disagrees.

The strongest memes are actually enhanced through explaining them.

Doge is the “anti-fundamentals” coin. It intentionally offers nothing interesting in terms of “the tech.” In some ways it is a direct snub to people who want their coin to be the “future of finance” or to have some sort of sane, fundamental, logical value underpinning it.

Over time, this anti-fundamentals theme in many ways became a fundamental value proposition all its own. This phenomenon was always a niche inside joke amongst chortling nerds, but it has grown to be something so much more powerful.

The advent of Tik Tok has buttressed the destiny of “Anti-fundamentals” coins as well — it has taken virality of social media up a level; memes now have a large mound of dry Tik Tok powder upon which to explode brilliantly and without warning.

For all intents and purposes, Doge was the firstmover meme coin. It has everything a good meme has. A cute, fuzzy pupper with shining, clever eyes and an adorable mona lisa-esque expression sitting anywhere between oblivious and omniscient.

In order to understand why “Anti-fundamentals” intentional retardation has become so powerful and, in retrospect, was inevitable, we must first analyse some sociological context in which the flame of joyfully-intentional retardation was ignited and currently roars.

Technology has advanced at an increasingly rapid rate, and, within a capitalist society, it behooves those advancing technology to focus on how they can increase comfort and decrease discomfort for individual purchasers.

Hence, lives over the past century have become terrifically easy. There aren’t really any external problems for people, at least the way there used to be. Is poverty wide-spread still? Yes, of course it is, but even those living below the poverty line live, in many ways, like kings and queens compared to the rich in 1900.

There is a massive middle class in many countries. The middle class, in many ways, lives very well and experiences little in the ways of external hardships.

And yet, we have seen a massive uptick in depression, anxiety, mental disorders and so forth. Why do you think this is?

Could it perhaps be because humans, by nature, are as Taleb contends, anti-fragile? Well, surely it could be…

humans yearn for struggle, because humans grow by struggle. If you don’t have immediate external struggle, you will either create it, by “problematizing” every little conceivable slight, or you will internalize it and experience an increase in mental unwellness.

This is why having missions and finding constructive ways to struggle is so important and vital to the human condition.

Our increasing reliance on tech, however, has created mental addiciton feedback loops — a veritable religion of dopamine. In fact, fooo contends that the existential angst assuaged by actual religion in the past, is now assuaged by iphones. This creates an entitled sense of arrogant disdain for the profound amongst young people, whose new religion is their phone, since their brains are now numbed by these phones and no longer sit idle long enough to ponder the big questions, while simultaneously creating a deep hunger for the profound WITHIN the purview of their iphone content consumption. This is why authenticity and trust have become so prized in the digital age, especially by young people. You have the natural jadedness of youth, compounded by a synthetic disdain for purity and profundity, as well as the empty void incepted by that very disdain.

This bitterness is then weaponized and subconsciously turned outward against those who created the tools of their psychological enslavement. Boomers.

The very boomers who run everything. The boomers who pay the zoomers’ bills while zoomers live in boomers basement until they’re 35 trading magic internet beans.

Magic internet beans like Gamestop and Doggy coin.

Is there any institution more “boomer” than traditional finance?

Is there any institution more built on the cognitive dissonance uncanny valley between something that doesn’t make fuckall of sense in praxis, and something that is taught dogmatically as making perfect sense?

The efficient market hypothesis is one of the most retarded concepts in the fucking multiverse, but it is taught as gospel and used as a cornerstone of tradfi.

DCFs are run by mercenary ibanking analysts and equity research anaylsts in order to “value” companies based on discounted free cash flow to equity using discretionary growth rates. You can plug whatever you want into that shit and it will spit out whatever sounds good to the silver back gorillas peddling your dogshit company to the buyside chads who know it’s dogshit

Zoomers may not understands the ins-and-outs of why tradfi is so utterly retarded, but they smell something is up. They understand the gilded shackles of their iphones and their tech-induced psychology comas, and on a deep, lizardbrain level, they want out!


Much Wow!

Many Invest!

there is a large, subterranean lizard-brain hate for tradfi and for boomers (the older generation) as a son rebels from his father

There is a hatred for those who not only revere a traditional finance system that doesn’t make any goddamn sense, but which CLAIMS itself to be sensible, rational and logical.

It is this absolute disconnect between the boomer values of rationality, and the boomer reality of investing in the massive Castle-in-the-Air that is actual stonks that is the groundwork for why “anti-fundamentals” have caught such fire.

Because really, doggy coin is at least honest about why it’s a hustle.

Remember Gamestop? It was pumped by Turbo-autists in order to shove the middle finger at tradfi and expose the pathetic lie of most modern economics that say markets are efficient and that things make sense in finance

it may not be a hatred of rationality itself, but it is certainly a hatred for a sector that has blown smoke up peoples asses about things being rational in order to cover up for their own mediocrity for generations

The Efficient Market Hypothesis is literally just a coverup for medicore fund managers that are too stupid or lazy to outperform beta, or fucked up too many times and want do overs, and a free pass to STILL manage dumbass wealthy peoples’ money.

compound that with the power of crypto, which is trying to overhaul the current shitty system and you get the absolute firepower of dank “anti-fundamentals” memes; zoomers all-in memes due in large part to spite traditional finance, boomers, and even within the realm of crypto itself, those who jerk off to the “fundamentals” of what in all liklihood is just their own shitcoin anyway. “Anti-fundamentals” memes are dankest when you get it, and you realize you can’t stop it

Eventually the music will stop and many meme coins will go entirely or mostly bust. Maybe until the next cycle, or maybe forever; it will depend on how long Tik Tok investing works out, how many stimmys are pumped into idle hands and so on.

For now, though, one thing is clear. There is a ton of hatred for self-deception in this world, and a lot of schadenfreude as doggy coin kektinues to absolutely demolish boomer mutual funds, the S&P and even big boy fundamentally-driven coins like Bitcoin and Eth.

Doggy coin is a big fuck you to those whose sanity relies on the world making sense, and on the current finance dogma. And even though fooo doesn’t own any since fooo sold all fooo’s doggy coin to Mia Khalifa at 7 cents… well…

fooo is here for it.


