Microfinancing Your McBuggle & French Flies

3 min readOct 20, 2022


Within a decade, give or take, literally everything will have the option of being microfinanced but u won’t blv it.

mfs have been financing stuff for many years. Big stuff tho. Houses and cars mainly.

Zoomers don’t have that kind of patience or time (or money). But fooo will tell you what they do have — an addiction to instant gratification the magnitude of which has never been seen in human history.

fooo is already seeing the option to microfinance on middle-ticket items like furniture or tvs nowadays. 3rd party micro lenders are already ensconcing themselves into the online portals of most e-tail. Want to buy that Tv but you don’t have 1500 bucks in your bank account? no problem. 6 easy payments of 250 bucks a week!

Zoomer: Noice! Now I can watch that new cyberpunk show. haha

This trend, fooo blvs, is only the beginning

Imajin in 10 years zoomer teens, none looking up from their ipleasure 6s, float-walk into McDonalds to order some Buggles and Flies. they each order a number 3 Buggy Meal and put it on their Chase Sapphire Reserves (the 600 dollar yearly fee of which they have financed with Chase).

“That will be $15” says the order robot. It whirrs around and fills three lukewarm sacks with fetid bugmeat filled resin buns, whirs back around and plops them unceremoniously onto a sterilized tray. “Would you like to microfinance with McBankles for 100 easy payments of 15 cents a day?”

“bet…” mumbles a zoomer not looking up from his ipleasure 6

“thank you for saving the planet by eating bugs” says the fossil fuel guzzling robot as he distributes the trays to the zoomers

This scene will be nothing out of the ordinary. There will, of course, be the option to pay full price. but you will be scoffed at. Fintok will have taught every zoomer the “Time Value of Money” and with only very low levels of interest, they feel that you “could easily trade doge to outperform it over 6 whole weeks”

What will this mean. It will mean that more and more people will be levered to the absolute hilt.

As we have already seen through these past few years during the pandemic, almost everyone in America was living riiiight up to the limit of their means, to the point where a little jostle of chaos fucked a lot of lives up.

but the thing is, even then, they only had so many monthly loans to pay… a mortgage, a car, their kids’ college maybe

when evvvvverrything is microfinanced, the cash in your bank account is going to look and feel like more while the tiny little baby daily payments you have to pay will look and feel like less

this will continually lead to overdrafts and take “living paycheck to paycheck” to a whole new level

any observer of the human animal recognizes two things

“those who study history are doomed to watch those who haven’t repeat it”


“humans care what other humans think and they think short term mostly”

microfinancing every single thing under the sun is going to further exacerbate the financial instability and profligacy of people and it’s going to keep them even more firmly under the control of the government, big businesses and the views of one another

what’s the silver lining to this fooo?

welp, if everyone else is even more enslaved by this system, those who are free thinkers will have an even easier time of living outside of the system and “breaking the game” by reaching financial escape velocity and gaining greater comparative levels of freedom.

fooo will call a spade a spade here. microfinancing everything will happen, and when it does, it will behoove you to remember fooo’s favorite catchphrase “wisdom trumps intelligence”

so pay full price for that burger, anon, and shrug off the insults of your zoomer frens. They’re already broke anyway — they just don’t know it yet.

